onsdag 26 juni 2013

Day 13-15

I know I have not been updating for a while, sorry for that! The Internet at Hookah Bar has been dead for some time.. Now I'm sitting at La Spaga hehe..

There has been ups sense last, I now start at 4 p.m with Marino so I can visit the beach!
And me and Marino are now room mates, it's gone good so far and we are healthy! Cooking food at home :)

For some days ago it started to RAIN! I couldn't believe it.. So we had to close the bar hahha

Katarina wanted to have a homemade rain jacket x)

Lovin the results of her design, good job Katarina!
Even I bought the idea...

So yesterday I went out with Ivana to Baloo for some Bijela kava (coffe latte) after the beach!
I'm starting to like coffe..
It wasn't so much people last night.. So me and one of the guys started make some lemonade haha
And circus time, again..
This morning, me and Marino decided to go somewhere else then Hookah Bar to drink coffee! It's enough already that we are working there everyday haha We don't need to be there when we have some time off (a)

I took a Milkshake, it was fucking awesome!

We found this little fellow on one of the tables! Sooo cute!

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